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The pages are very difficult to read, especially equations. Statistical Mechanics "Statistical Mechanics" is the extended version of McQuarrie s earlier text - "Statistical Thermodynamics" (USB 1984). This text (previously published by Longman Education) is an accessible introduction to the subject containing a large number of problems at the end of each chapter. Statistical Mechanics is the extended version of McQuarrie's earlier text - Statistical Thermodynamics [USB 1984].
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Donald A. McQuarrie. University Science Books, Jun 16, 2000 - Science - 641 pages. 8 Reviews. The canonical ensemble - Other ensembles and fluctuations - Boltzmann Statistical Mechanics "Statistical Mechanics" is the extended version of McQuarrie s earlier text - "Statistical Thermodynamics" (USB 1984). This text (previously published by Longman Education) is an accessible introduction to the subject containing a large number of problems at the end of each chapter.